The Town of Gilbert manages the trash pick up schedules. We ask that residents do their part in helping keep Spectrum clean and refrain from placing out containers and/or bulk trash items prior to the pick up dates.
Trash & Recycle Pickup day is every Thursday. Spectrum at Val Vista is ZONE D.
- Residents may place out containers no earlier than 6PM Wednesday; no later than 5AM Thursday morning.
- Space 2-4 feet apart from each other
- Place recycle containers out only when full.
- Pull containers back to your home no later than 6AM the day after collection, containers should not be visible from the street.
Bulk trash pick up is a service for items that are too large to fit in your trash container. All items collected are taken to the landfill. Household trash is not accepted for bulk pick up and should be bagged and placed in your trash container.
Bulk items can be placed out between Sunday and 5:00 AM on Monday of your collection week. Pickup may occur any day during your collection week. DO NOT PLACE YOUR BULK TRASH OUT EARLY.
Bulk trash violations could cost you up to $400 in fines.